
Showing posts from September, 2012

Here's why.

I mentioned once that there's this rude doctor from The Safe Clinic that I hate. Not only was he rude, I find him unprofessional and he is mentoring an angmoh medical student, that's equally as rude. Here's why. My check-up was due actually, and since Safe Clinic has gone for good, this doctor, let's call him DR I, referred me back to himself at University Malaya Medical Centre which also happens to be one of the country's elite medical university.. Since consultation timing is only in the afternoon, I literally did nothing the whole day and went to the hospital at lunch time. It's a fucking clinic, nobody tells me I have to have my blood taken first, wait for the results and then come back many days later to see the doctor. Ok, this is a government hospital so it's fine. UNDERSTANDABLE . TOO MANY FUCKING IDIOTS AROUND. After 2 hours of waiting, they asked me to just go have a chat with DR I, but since I have not done my blood test, there's no ...