
Showing posts from October, 2012

New care

I have since transferred to Tanglin Hospital near Bukit Aman after the last episode of drama I encountered in University Malaya Medical Centre.  The nurses and doctor there are so much nicer and friendlier compared to UMMC. Plus, it's just a 5 minutes drive away from my workplace. Hence "straying" wasn't much of a problem.  I had my consultation done a fortnight ago and was scheduled for blood sampling this morning. My appointment was scheduled for 8am. My physician actually called up the hospital and I overheard some of the conversation noting that she has scheduled me for blood taking this morning.  The nurses then scrambled around the waiting area looking for a Chinese man, and when they spot me, I guess they know I was already there. The other patients don't really fit into the descriptions of sorts. Then they ushered me into the assistant's room and the formalities were done. Then they gave me the lab papers and got me to the lab at the nex...