MH17 crash: Many on flight were heading to Melbourne AIDS conference
As a Malaysian living with HIV, this is indeed very, very devastating news. As the nation prepared to go to bed last night, we were rudely awaken by the news. Thoughts and prayers goes out to all who are affected by the tragedy. SYDNEY: Many of the passengers on Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH17 which crashed in Ukraine were heading to the 20th International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, officials said Friday. "My thoughts & prayers to families of those tragically lost on flight #MH17. Many passengers were enroute to #AIDS2014 here in #Melbourne," tweeted UNAIDS executive director Michel Sidibe. Leading AIDS researcher and former International AIDS Society president Joep Lange is thought to have been on the flight that US officials believe was hit by a surface-to-air missile, killing all 298 people on board. Australia's National AIDS Trust paid tribute to Lange. "Reports Joep Lange died in Malaysian plane crash today, with oth...