
Showing posts from 2018

[UPDATE] Bloodtest process at KKKL

More than a year after KKKL began operations, things have clearly improved a lot. Let's start with the obvious, now there's another 2 doctors available seeing HIV patients besides Dr Nurul, making consultations any day of the week possible.  Drive-Through I have been on Drive-Through Pharmacy for the past half year and the service and time convenience is just great. Open from 8am to 9pm, you can just drive up to the counter, press the doorbell and wait for the pharmacist to come. The entire process does not take longer than 5 minutes. I usually go at night after dinner when the traffic in KL is more manageable. They will SMS you in the morning at 8am, so you have the entire day to go.  Bloodtest  But perhaps the most major breakthrough is the queue for bloodtest. It has improved leaps and bounds from the first days. Now it really does not take longer than half an hour.  1. As usual, just get your queue number from the main counter.  2. Proceed...


Sort of forgotten about this after a while, how is everyone doing? In fact, other than the daily dose of medication, I kind of forget about all this. It doesn't really bother me as much as it did 6 years ago. How fast time has gone by. As you know, Malaysia has its surprised landslide victory to change the government - what is it for the healthcare industry? The new health minister hasn't say anything much about HIV care, but we're positive that the future is bright. Fingers crossed. Well, the system at Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur has improved a lot. They have done away with the redundant Q system, there is no need to queue again to take blood. Once you have your Q number, proceed to Bilik 52 to get your forms. From there straight to Bilik 9 for blood test. All in all, it's under half an hour now, compared to 2-3 hours before. The future is bright!