
Showing posts from June, 2012

Second Test

I had my second test last month.. the results took a lot longer this time to come out. So my latest readings are: CD4: 476 CD4 %: 21 VL: 1.2mil The VL part is scary as it has increased since my last test.. My doctor advised to start med but at the same time had reservations too, so am I. I guess its the psychological factor to begin med for life, that is the greatest hurdle for me. I cannot bring myself yet to fully accept that yet. Even though I have been taking daily supplements, but that's different. I have on many days did not take the supplements, but with med, I know there's no excuse. The fact that first-line med is free in Malaysia is really a good news, because fellow pozzies in Singapore pays SGD1k a month for them, something I totally cannot afford. God bless us all. However, the government cut funding to Malaysian Aids Council and as a direct result, The Safe Clinic is winding up operations of providing free HIV testing and counselling. The best part is...

The Safe Clinic closing for good.

The Safe Clinic is closing for good. Not sure why, but I am guessing it’s due to the cut in funding from Malaysian Aids Council. Everyone is affected. Moving on, I will be doing my tests either in government hospitals or private hospitals. I want to keep my options open because in time to come, government hospitals will keep me alive in terms of fees and charges while private hospitals will save me time but not money. The queue at government hospital is (I heard) a whole day to get tests and/or medication, while it is costly in private hospital. I have overcome the traumatic acceptance period and my future worry is the medication. But I guess I will only get to there when it comes.. For everyday I am alive, I harbor hopes that a cure is possible in our lifetime. Yes they will. Only time can tell.. so close yet so…. Far?  

3 months on

Well, just did my second CD4%, VL test last week, the results will be ready next week.. People asked me why I do it in a private clinic instead of a govt hospital? The answer is simple, time. I cannot afford to take time off from work to go to a govt hospital that only opens late into the morning and closes early in the evening. With a private clinic, I can go at night. But then, for CD4%, have to take it in the morning, no? It costs me between RM300-RM500 each tests every 3 months and it has now drained me of my financial resources.. I am quite tight at the moment.. Sigh.. Already defaulted on credit cards cos I cannot pay them on time.. .