Has anyone given a thought to the topic above before? I guess not. We only think about it after its too late. Not one of us, not any of us would have given it a serious thought when we were on the bed with our legs apart. I'm sorry my friends, that if you think we pozzie whine, we don't. We don't even have any regrets anymore. We have been given a second chance in life, and while we go on with our lives living it to the fullest and making every day count plus ensuring we keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, it is you out there, the ignorant ones, that are in danger. We may have our own set of complications and problems but none of them are all as much as the single ignorance and blatant disregard for safe sex. Put on the fucking condom! And as a bottom, insist on the fucking condom!! I just had my 3rd reading result out. My CD4 count dropped a little to 458, and I think I know why. Smoking. All else being equal through the months, I lighted up more than the first...