
Showing posts from March, 2015

March 5

I walked out of the hospital lab with a brown envelope sealed and marked "Private & Confidential". March 5, 2012. As I sat down at one corner in the hospital, I carefully opened the envelope, hands tembling, and pulled out some pieces of A4 papers. Not much text. It was March 5, 2012. As I read the papers, my world crashed down on me. I was speechless. I was dumbfounded. I was mindfucked. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. That day was March 5, 2012. I couldn't believe my eyes. I read and re-read time and again the copies. Not only were they identical - they only have one word: REACTIVE. REACTIVE REACTIVE REACTIVE Nothing else. The clock stopped on that day - March 5, 2012. I spent the next 2 weeks crying in isolation. Not knowing what to do. Not knowing what my future holds. Not knowing what has become of me. Not knowing how to continue on living. I was suicidal. I thought of ending my own life. I even thought abo...