
Showing posts from December, 2016

Another year gone by

So another year is coming to an end. How was 2016 to you? This year has been quite exceptional to me. I received many emails from both anonymous and non-anonymous people (but don't worry, never have I once looked it up on Facebook or any social media that could have identify you as a person - I'm better than that!), some of you just wrote to me to thank me for sharing. Some have more questions than others. Some were quite lost. Whoever you are, wherever you may be, I am not a saint, neither do I claimed to be one. I'm just a regular gay guy who happens to be positive in life and HIV. But deep down you know you can identify with me because I have been there. People say, you won't truly understand something if it hadn't happen to you. I say, fuck you that's so true! Think of a time when you said something like "I know how you feel..." but in actual fact, you don't? Sucks right? Well, this is where I filled in the void. Because I know. Lik...

World AIDS Day 2016

Another year has passed. It's been a journey indeed, made friends online and in Twitter, and many of you have wrote to me by email - I wish you all well If you have been thinking of going to test for whatever reasons, I urge you not to delay. Please get tested and begin medication right away. The rule of "wait till CD4 drops below 250" no longer applies. We can all end this. Getting to zero new infections. End HIV now. Love.