
[UPDATE] Bloodtest process at KKKL

More than a year after KKKL began operations, things have clearly improved a lot. Let's start with the obvious, now there's another 2 doctors available seeing HIV patients besides Dr Nurul, making consultations any day of the week possible.  Drive-Through I have been on Drive-Through Pharmacy for the past half year and the service and time convenience is just great. Open from 8am to 9pm, you can just drive up to the counter, press the doorbell and wait for the pharmacist to come. The entire process does not take longer than 5 minutes. I usually go at night after dinner when the traffic in KL is more manageable. They will SMS you in the morning at 8am, so you have the entire day to go.  Bloodtest  But perhaps the most major breakthrough is the queue for bloodtest. It has improved leaps and bounds from the first days. Now it really does not take longer than half an hour.  1. As usual, just get your queue number from the main counter.  2. Proceed...


Sort of forgotten about this after a while, how is everyone doing? In fact, other than the daily dose of medication, I kind of forget about all this. It doesn't really bother me as much as it did 6 years ago. How fast time has gone by. As you know, Malaysia has its surprised landslide victory to change the government - what is it for the healthcare industry? The new health minister hasn't say anything much about HIV care, but we're positive that the future is bright. Fingers crossed. Well, the system at Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur has improved a lot. They have done away with the redundant Q system, there is no need to queue again to take blood. Once you have your Q number, proceed to Bilik 52 to get your forms. From there straight to Bilik 9 for blood test. All in all, it's under half an hour now, compared to 2-3 hours before. The future is bright!

Taking blood in Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur

So the time has come to draw blood at this new facility. As I was unfamiliar with the procedures here, I wasted about half an hour waiting in vain at the wrong place. My blood test schedule was almost once a year (if not twice at most), but since I was transferred to this new facility, I have not had my blood taken here before. So everything is new to me. And there is no online information on how to go about it. Again, here I am, writing and sharing the process with you all. The queue to draw blood is just horrendous, and it was all because there's only 1 counter serving. Only later the poor staff realised she cannot cope handling the registration, printing, assigning rooms, taking questions, directing patients all at the same time that she called for help to clear some backlog. Once registration is processed, nurse will assign a room to you. Each room has like 2-3 nurses inside drawing blood, which makes the process very fast. ...

Time to move on

5 years after I created my online persona to share and help others out there especially Malaysians who are HIV+, I decided it's time to move on. As you can see, the blog address has changed. My email has also changed: , that's with the "z". I have deleted all old emails, so if you would like to continue to write to me, please do so at this new email). Thank you for all the support and I appreciate my sharing has helped one another to live our lives.


How are all my readers doing? For those who have wrote in to me, I hope you are well, going through the process, coping, seeking care and what nots. If you need a listening ear or someone to confide in, feel free - just don't ask for my identity or name :) Cheers!

Consultations, treatment & pharmacy at Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur (KKKL) Jalan Fletcher

My consultation with Dr Nurul was for today, and since it's the first time I am at KKKL, I decided to write about the experience here, so that for those of you who are new to HIV care and need direction and advice, I hope this will be helpful. Overview of KKKL Public parking is on the right-side KLINIK KESIHATAN KUALA LUMPUR Where: Behind Pusat Darah Negara (if you are driving, enter at Jalan Temerloh which is beside Istana Budaya). If you still don't know, please Waze or google.  Operation hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm (lanjutan till 9pm & Saturday morning for selected services, HIV care is NOT in the list of lanjutan) Pharmacy: Ground Floor  Monday-Friday 8am-5pm (except Friday 12pm-2pm) Pharmacy Drive Through: Monday-Friday (12pm-4pm only). Terms & conditions apply. My visit to KKKL So I arrived at 7.15am and there are several people queuing by the main entrance already. Good thing there is plenty of parking available. The door open at 7.30am, a...

Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur - Jalan Fletcher

With the new Kuala Lumpur clinic now opened in Jalan Fletcher (behind Pusat Darah Negara), they have moved Kuala Lumpur Hospital outpatient department to there to reduce the congestion in HKL. Did they also forget to mention that services at Klinik Kesihatan Tanglin is also being gradually reduced and moved to the new clinic? HIV physician Dr Nurul Aida Salleh has moved there, and so will most of her HIV patients. I will be seeing her next month on my next appointment and not knowing what to expect or how long it would take, I've decided to take the day off so that I can also run other errands. Until then, I will update more as we go along.