
How are all my readers doing?

For those who have wrote in to me, I hope you are well, going through the process, coping, seeking care and what nots.

If you need a listening ear or someone to confide in, feel free - just don't ask for my identity or name :)



  1. do you have any idea about HIV support group/ treatment in penang?

    1. Nope sorry I don't. But I believe the process (at Penang GH or Klinik kesihatan) is more or less the same.

    2. ok, thanks. yes, i think so. will explore it very soon. have a nice weekend.

  2. Hi,

    I'm recently started treatment as well in MY, i'm on Emtricitabine/tenofovir + efavirenz. on dat 8 i have rash, now i still have it.

    do you have any experience with rashes with ARVs ??

    1. Rashes are common, but if you want to bring it under control yourself, you can use calamine lotion or buy over-the-counter drowsy antihistamines (don't get the non-drowsy types).

      If not, you can let your doctor know, but rashes are common and they do go away soon.

  3. Thanks.
    rash on body subside but new on forearm.

    When I was diag +ve, i tot it would be over, i am thankful our gov is taking care of us.

    With support from gov (med+care) i got hope.

    and your blog is very informative, glad you have documented your experience.


    1. Then you'll be fine soon. Just drink more water and get some rest.

      Well, I'd like to think of it as making our tax money worth paying haha!

      Thanks for your support reading, I try to make it relevant from a local perspective.

    2. Usually the rashes will be for how long? will it be very obvious until on hand, neck or face?

  4. You can expect a couple days. Depending on how mild it is, hand definitely. Neck and face may only be if it's severe enough.

    I don't know for sure - cos I only had very mild rashes on my thighs and that's it.


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