
Showing posts from April, 2012

The Positive Thing

Being diagnosed with HIV may just be the best thing, no, not that I am proud to have it, but rather, having it makes me realise many things in life that I have taken for granted - my health, friends and perhaps financial and also the outlook of life.. Previously, I don't care about what I eat despite being in the fitness industry. I eat to my heart's content. Hence I bumped up on the bad cholesterol also. Now I eat with caution. While I watch the things I eat, I make sure they add value to my health. I go organic as much as I can to avoid the chemicals used to grow/feed. I buy organic produce, I have a portion of fruits each day which I never did before. In short, I eat with a purpose - to keep me as healthy and as strong for as long as possible without needing medication. Friends - While only a select few friends knew about my status, I did not mind letting more people know if there's a need to. Having said that, I asked myself, what value would he add if he knows? F...

"It doesn't bother me"

Perhaps the most positive thing I have ever heard since being positive (what a pun!), is that the people that I chose to tell, says back to me that "it doesn't bother me".. On one hand, I was very glad and grateful I have such wonderful friends, on the other hand, I kinda doubt if they know what the heck I am talking about.. True enough, many people who have walked this road tells me that being poz isn't as bad as those who has it worse like kidney failure, hypertension, big C, etc etc.. well, maybe.. Two things I have come to accept - that we will all die (but I don't want the cause of death to be complications arising from being poz and the higher risks it carries due to compromised immune system), and number two, that there is no cure yet, but I am so keeping my hopes high that eventually they will have a cure - they are so close, but non definite.. At whatever cost and if it's proven to wipe out 100% and become negative again, I will go for it.. Bu...

A light of hope

Reading this article today gives us all some hope maybe.. The natural way to treat HIV, 4 PLHIV are now reported HIV negative.  What are the odds? It cost USD 120/box of 30 sachets which can only last 10 days (3 times a day), and to be mixed with hot water.. In a month, you'd need USD360 which is about RM1,110.. And they recommend to drink it up for 3 months.. That is one hell of a very expensive treatment.. well, nobody said HIV treatment is cheap but this is really expensive.. I really do not know if I should consider this, but if it's really proven  that it can cure, I will do all I can to pay for this, and this means borrowing money from friends .. Read more at:

Meeting a guy from Twitter

What did I say about Twitter? It's so powerful yet so personal and it enables friendships to be formed! Over the course of the weekend, I have come to know a fellow Twitter more closely and more into his troubled relationship, something I myself went through as exactly as it is to him now, many years back. I so could relate well to it.. So then we were like tweettering and before signing off for the night, I gave him my number and told him he could talk to me if he wanted to.. Then more to come, he started "looking" me up via the daily stuffs that I do, and then through facebook, haha.. so eventually I am officially "out" to him.. Prior to this, I sort of knew where he worked and as what as I do read stuffs and I spent a major part of my life patronizing the brand he work for.. So yea, everything just fall into place.. Glad to have known him - he's kind and nice.. but one sentence from him scored him brownie points, is that he said he is ok w...