The Positive Thing
Being diagnosed with HIV may just be the best thing, no, not that I am proud to have it, but rather, having it makes me realise many things in life that I have taken for granted - my health, friends and perhaps financial and also the outlook of life..
Previously, I don't care about what I eat despite being in the fitness industry. I eat to my heart's content. Hence I bumped up on the bad cholesterol also.
Now I eat with caution. While I watch the things I eat, I make sure they add value to my health. I go organic as much as I can to avoid the chemicals used to grow/feed. I buy organic produce, I have a portion of fruits each day which I never did before. In short, I eat with a purpose - to keep me as healthy and as strong for as long as possible without needing medication.
Friends - While only a select few friends knew about my status, I did not mind letting more people know if there's a need to. Having said that, I asked myself, what value would he add if he knows? For example, if any of my doctor friends were to ask me further, I will tell them, because they are doctors and they probably know better. And of course, the Poz friends I have made over the weeks, these bunch are a very very useful help..
I remembered the early days when I start telling friends - I was just as shock as they are, oh well..
Financially - Never ever in my life have I spent so much money on my health.. In March alone, I have spent over RM2k for tests and STD treatment. I am not started on HIV treatment yet. It's beginning to strain me as I still owe the clinic money. I have kinda exhausted my personal savings.. and have to dip into the money my own business brings in, at least I still have this safety net..
Love - I thought it was the end of the world when the lab chief brought me the bad news.. But out of this mess, there's this boy who did not allow my status to be a barrier and didn't think of me any lesser. He said it in his own words that he isn't bothered at all and his actions showed it more. He assured me it's okay, I am really thankful for having him into my life and showing me that it is possible to love again.
Indeed he brought cheers and laughter back into my life, kept me going and smiling through the days.. And every morning when I wake up, it's him I think of, and his messages.. and when I go to bed every night, it's him I think of, and the last person I text..
He's only 21 and he could have chosen to be with anyone else - he chose me. Thank you my little rascal. I know it might be hard to accept my status but you gave me the strength to go on with life. I think I am falling for you..
Previously, I don't care about what I eat despite being in the fitness industry. I eat to my heart's content. Hence I bumped up on the bad cholesterol also.
Now I eat with caution. While I watch the things I eat, I make sure they add value to my health. I go organic as much as I can to avoid the chemicals used to grow/feed. I buy organic produce, I have a portion of fruits each day which I never did before. In short, I eat with a purpose - to keep me as healthy and as strong for as long as possible without needing medication.
Friends - While only a select few friends knew about my status, I did not mind letting more people know if there's a need to. Having said that, I asked myself, what value would he add if he knows? For example, if any of my doctor friends were to ask me further, I will tell them, because they are doctors and they probably know better. And of course, the Poz friends I have made over the weeks, these bunch are a very very useful help..
I remembered the early days when I start telling friends - I was just as shock as they are, oh well..
Financially - Never ever in my life have I spent so much money on my health.. In March alone, I have spent over RM2k for tests and STD treatment. I am not started on HIV treatment yet. It's beginning to strain me as I still owe the clinic money. I have kinda exhausted my personal savings.. and have to dip into the money my own business brings in, at least I still have this safety net..
Love - I thought it was the end of the world when the lab chief brought me the bad news.. But out of this mess, there's this boy who did not allow my status to be a barrier and didn't think of me any lesser. He said it in his own words that he isn't bothered at all and his actions showed it more. He assured me it's okay, I am really thankful for having him into my life and showing me that it is possible to love again.
Indeed he brought cheers and laughter back into my life, kept me going and smiling through the days.. And every morning when I wake up, it's him I think of, and his messages.. and when I go to bed every night, it's him I think of, and the last person I text..
He's only 21 and he could have chosen to be with anyone else - he chose me. Thank you my little rascal. I know it might be hard to accept my status but you gave me the strength to go on with life. I think I am falling for you..
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