Good news on the way

My latest blood count:

CD4: 464 taken 24 March (up from 303 taken on 20 Nov)
CD4%: 16.4% up from 16%

However, the VL reading taken on 20 Nov is not ready yet, hence it's still at 38 at the last test in July 2014.

I also overloaded on my HDL cholesterol and my weigh has been steadily increasing, both of which are a result of better appetite as my CD4 picks up.

I hope to receive the latest VL when I go collect my medication next month. It should be out. Took too long.


  1. Hi need help, where can i have a full STD and HIV test ?

    1. Any lab (eg PathLab/BPLab), walk-in to any private hospital self-funded - it will costs a few hundreds, (since govt hospital will require you a referral letter), or even clinics. Otherwise Pink Triangle do provide anonymous testing.


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