Support System

When I was first knew I had HIV, I have no idea what to do. I had no one to turn to. I did not know anyone else.

I went on Twitter. I made some friends and gotten some kind of support system I was looking for, but it wasn't quite adequate.

Twitter pozzies are all over the world. I needed people in case anything happened, which looking back, there were times I needed help urgently like going to the hospital to getting emergency pills from friends.

Soon, it will come to three years. I've built up a network of people whom I can rely on in case I needed help, from physicians and pharmacists, friends and pozzies. They are like a gem.

So, to new pozzies and newly diagnosed, if you do not know where to turn or needed someone to talk to, I am all ears. You can email or tweet me.

If you are looking for something to say to someone who has HIV, my advice is, don't say anything. Saying the wrong things just make things worse
than it already is, unless you are a doctor specialising in ID or HIV. Just be the friend and be there because one day, this friend of yours will need your help, and in confidentiality. He will need it.

I've been there before and much more. I know what you are going through. But I am still very much up and running. It will be sometime before you come to terms and life blooms again. Cheers!


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