You are not alone

Many of us still read blogs despite the advancement in technologies that made blogs irrelevant but because I know that many of us still read yet not many are writing anymore gives me some pinch of motivation to be the one writing. 

Many of you have written to me personally with your stories, troubles, thoughts, questions etc - I really appreciate that a lot that you guys see me as someone whom you can open up to, without ever knowing me. I only know so much from my own experiences but really, my experiences were worth sharing because we are all in this mess. And even more so every other thing you read elsewhere didn't  really click much since in Malaysia, there isn't much you can refer to. I know because I have done my searches before. 

When I first started writing this blog, it was to pen down somewhere my journey and experiences of being a pozzie. In the beginning, like all of us, it was hard to accept but over time, I stopped wondering about the what-ifs and think about the what might. 

I am doing good here, my medication is working as it should, no major issues, enjoying and living my life to the fullest and I suggest you should too :) 

To those who have been writing in, keep me posted on your progresses and any new developments that you might want to share, I could help share it as well, anonymously if you wish. 

And as always, cheers! 


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