Long long time indeed

I realised I have not posted anything since last year.

It sure has been a long time, but it was because I was busy with work. For the longest time, this blog was meant to record down my journey and the difficulties I faced, and to provide a sharing space for everyone.

In the beginning it was a tough journey, but as the years go by, things have been easy now. No major issues, no health problems, and thus I began to fall into laziness.

4 years on, life hasn't changed much for me, except that I am no longer seeing anyone, but that was not because I am HIV+, but rather life priorities made us not able to be together anymore. So we moved on.

So here I am.

Happy and healthy.



  1. Thank you for keeping your blog going for so long. I came across it as I was googling for HIV care in Malaysia. And I read POZboySG's piece and then went back to the google page and found your blog and continued to read, eyes glued to every word, from front to back, literally. What a journey, and what an inspiration, and so much sharing of information. Thank you so much. A close friend has HIV, and I don't even know if he knows he has it. I rushed him to hospital on a very low single digit platelet count, and from overhearing a phone conversation between the attending doctor and the GP who took his blood samples the previous night for testing, I began to have a nagging suspicion that it could be HIV, even though they were speaking in a cryptic way and at no instance was the HIV word mentioned at all. Then he gets transferred to Sg Buloh, and my heart sinks on hearing this. I go back to the private clinic to get his blood test result, and in the HIV section, it says "results withheld, report will follow". The doctor there tells me he can't disclose anything other than directly to the patient, regardless of whether it is negative or positive. Then at this second hospital, the doctor there doesn't even want the private doctor's contact because he says they have also done their own tests. He doesn't have to tell me, and I don't want him to compromise his code of ethics. But I can tell he knows that I know now. And now they have transferred my friend to this open ward where the patients have this mix of IDs, and I know now that my friend has TB, an opportunistic infection that invariably goes with the onset of HIV that doesn't get treated early - this I have learnt from my googling. He may or may not know. His family definitely doesn't know. And I am worried that the open ward will be where they just leave certain far-gone cases to let things take their own course. Very worried, sad, depressed and also panicky. But there seems to be nothing I can do. Better that I didn't know. I wanted to tell you that it's great to know that someone has survived those early ordeals and carried on for four years and maintaining his good health - I would like to hope for that for my friend too. Thanks for sharing and keep on sharing.

  2. Hi.. I was just diagnosed as positive last Friday after falling unwell wit bad dry cough & last week was a torture as I was literally on the floor of my office, tossing & turning wit cold sweat & fever..

    I had gotten to my parents to send me to SJMC on Thurs Eve.. that's where I was informed by the Doc for consent to do the HIV test.. knowing I had no choice, I agreed.. turns out my lungs were badly affected wit bacteria for a while since that was causing my cough, a case of pneumonia.. & on that Fri afternoon she broke the news to me.. I really didn't know how to feel.. sad, angry, confused.. I cried a little when she told me.. till today I still am not sure how I should be reacting to the results.. only my BFF knows abt this as he helped to be at the hospital & visited me..

    I'm currently recuperating at home fr the lung infection for a week. Will have my follow-up this Thurs. After this ordeal, the next step in life will be the meds you mention which is going to be my new "lifestyle".. I would like to thank u & your blog when I chanced upon it while googling. I do not have any frens whom are Positive but I hope I can learn more from guys like you. & If you like, you can email me at megega@gmail.com.

    Melvin G

  3. I've been exposed recently. Twice. Both times I bled after sex. I am worried and want to take a full STD, HIV test but I am underage. Is it okay to go to a klinik kesihatan? The nearest to me is Kelana Jaya. Is it possible to do it anonymously? I do not want my parents to know. Please help me. I do not know what to do and cannot afford to go to a private clinic and I cannot tell my parents I have had sex because they will kick me out. You may contact me at msmbits@outlook.com please, please advise. Thank you


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