1. My doctor forgotten (?) to give me a referral letter in order for me to seek another doctor in the government hospital in this specialty. Without that letter, there's nothing much I can do at the moment, but I fear for each day of my life.
2. I got lost inside the Sg Buloh hospital building looking for the specialist clinic, and looking for the exit. I walked through the A&E with doctors and nurses attending to trauma cases. Nobody stopped me or asked me what I am doing there.
3. I am meeting up a friend tonight, a former room-mate back in those days when we were slugging off in Singapore many years ago, who can probably give me leads and point me to somewhere that I can seek attention. He's all I have that's within an arm's reach, who's diagnosed 8 years ago. I knew him before that. I took care of him when he has to be admitted, and subsequently quarantined and some other stories followed. Sigh. The weather in KL today is terrible. Thunderstorms all around.
4. I have yet to get my counts, and I read that the costs of getting counts and other stuffs will be costly.. I am on my own in this..
2. I got lost inside the Sg Buloh hospital building looking for the specialist clinic, and looking for the exit. I walked through the A&E with doctors and nurses attending to trauma cases. Nobody stopped me or asked me what I am doing there.
3. I am meeting up a friend tonight, a former room-mate back in those days when we were slugging off in Singapore many years ago, who can probably give me leads and point me to somewhere that I can seek attention. He's all I have that's within an arm's reach, who's diagnosed 8 years ago. I knew him before that. I took care of him when he has to be admitted, and subsequently quarantined and some other stories followed. Sigh. The weather in KL today is terrible. Thunderstorms all around.
4. I have yet to get my counts, and I read that the costs of getting counts and other stuffs will be costly.. I am on my own in this..
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