The start of a turning point

I still had not heard anything from my doctor about the referral letter even though it has been 3 days..

Not being able to wait any longer, I went to another doctor who happens to a friend of mine; I went to him straight asking for only the CD4/VL test.. These two costs me RM300 (USD100) without the CD4%, with the %, it would be RM420 (USD140), which has to be done early morning..

So off I went at once.. While there, I also consulted him on something I was suspecting that bothered me.. Got that checked as well..

After an hour, my CD4 count was out, and it will stand as my beginning reading.. I was clocking 471.. but VL will have to wait...

I was also tested positive for STI, but to know what STI, I will need to wait for the lab report but the doctor put me on medication for STI, a jab, 4 pills, and 6 packets of cream that costs me over RM480 (USD160)..

Tonight's bill came to about RM780 (USD280) for initial testings, STI, and among others.. I was taken aback as I had only RM500 cash with me.. Fortunately the centre allows credit.. So my balance payment was put on credit to be paid on my next visit..

My next CD4 count test is in 3 month's time.. And that'll cost me RM420 plus the RM300 over that I still owe the centre.. Gosh.. I don't know how to start coming up with the money each time I am due.. It's already hard to sustain through my regular income.. and now this...

Oh well...



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