Perhaps the most positive thing I have ever heard since being positive (what a pun!), is that the people that I chose to tell, says back to me that "it doesn't bother me".. On one hand, I was very glad and grateful I have such wonderful friends, on the other hand, I kinda doubt if they know what the heck I am talking about.. True enough, many people who have walked this road tells me that being poz isn't as bad as those who has it worse like kidney failure, hypertension, big C, etc etc.. well, maybe.. Two things I have come to accept - that we will all die (but I don't want the cause of death to be complications arising from being poz and the higher risks it carries due to compromised immune system), and number two, that there is no cure yet, but I am so keeping my hopes high that eventually they will have a cure - they are so close, but non definite.. At whatever cost and if it's proven to wipe out 100% and become negative again, I will go for it.. Bu...